Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Motivation, the relation that sets the world in motion

Motivation, that is the theme for today. Because what we find out now is that so many people in this world find it hard to be motivated. What people don't realize is that you can't try and get motivated. I mean you can but it is temporary. You know those motivational speakers? People go to those events feeling like they can move mountains but in reality, these events only peter out and everyone falls back into their usual routine. In reality, motivation is easy because motivation is what drives you to finish daily tasks.
The key to this is to step back and think in the bigger picture. What do you feel your calling is, what do you feel you want to do for the rest of your life. I struggle with motivation, When I was applying for jobs after college, I wasn't getting any callbacks for any of them. What motivated me was the show Entourage. The agent of the main character, Ari, lives in a world that he created. Although Entourage is just a TV show, it gives a good window into a career working with human capital. This may sound cheesy but that is what motivates me.
I want to be able to impact people's lives and help the American economy recover. although its baby steps I feel like I can still make a difference.
Anyway, that is my bit about motivation. Ironically, I am unemployed so I don't know who is going to take advice from me but in either case I hope I can impact someone.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Post attempt #2

This is actually my second attempt to write a post now. I never realized that keeping up with a blog is so hard. I think it is because I am being self conscious about my lengths that I feel when I write that I should write a long post. I blame school, all our teachers have been telling us to write longer and longer essays that in the end, we just write babble just to fill the page. You know what that produces? BAD WRITING!!! To put it into perspective, would you rather watch 5 hours of the weather channel or 1 hour of your favorite TV show.... ok bad analogy. Ok different train of though, if you were a Harry Potter fan, would you want to read a 15 page booklet about Harry Potter that JK Rowling took a lot of time and dedication to write, or a 500 page sequel to the 7th book that JK Rowling wrote while on ecstasy, meth, and cocaine while suffering from a hangover on the toilet. I rest my case. Secondly, I don't even know who is even reading this but anyway, I'll just rant along.
What is really funny about having each post a week apart is that I get such great ideas on what to write about as the weeks pass that when I do get started on writing, writers block hits me and I forget all those great ideas. Oh well, thats what I get for not taking note of random thoughts I get throughout the day. ANYWAY, a little about my life now. I am currently unemployed and now have to join the population of people who actively kiss ass and get away with it to get jobs. You know, going into an interview is kind of weird. On paper, you are just suppose to tell the interviewer about yourself and he/she will see if you are fit for the job. Simple right? Well! Let me tell you something. Within the simplicity, lies an entire field of information you have to associate yourself with before even stepping foot into an interview. People write books about this process and apparently they make it seem as though the conversation you have with this "interviewer" should be the most important conversation of your life, something I find hilarious. There are a slew of rules; don't fiddle with your watch, always have direct eye contact, don't ask about salary, don't do this don't do that. Its no wonder people get stressed out during interviews. What doesn't help is the state of the economy, I might not be an economist, rather a sociologist an economist's evil twin. More and more people are looking for jobs and since many companies do not have the money to hire employees, you have over-qualified job seekers applying for jobs that should go to the college students. -le sigh-
Which brings me back to my concluding phrase, jobs these days go to the talkers not the doers

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Introducing, Chinesepowah

1st, 2010. While the clock was striking and champagne was popping all around me, I was in a conversation with a colleague of mine. The conversation transitioned from all the shenanigans we were a part of during college to our conversations we have had that I believe altered my perception (and I am sure altered his too) of the world we live in. He posed a challenge to me which I vehemently accepted, though much deliberation if it is even worth putting in my time and effort. Since, according to my colleague, I love to talk and always have a point to prove that I should make my points known through the internet. I was thinking about this idea and though I agree that it would be fun to see what slew of random people whom I have never had any interaction with what so ever, could possibly say. More questions popped into mind, who would read this, what would people gain from reading this, why would people even take time out of their own schedule to even bother reading what I have to say, and would they ever apply what I said into practical use (probably not)?
As I take a step back, I realize I tend to think 5 or 6 steps ahead of myself and when I do that, I tend to create gaps in my logic. First things first, I should think of this a vehicle for self reflection and improvement, all that other "giving back to society" crap can wait.
As my New Year resolution, I will start off by writing a new post each week. The post, I would imagine, will cover my life, current events, stuff that annoy me, and learning how to make the biggest carbon footprint we can make in this world (just kidding).
To start things off fresh, let me introduce myself: My name is **** but you can call me anon. One beautiful thing about the internet is the ability to be anonymous. Having a sense of security through anonymity has made the internet a hotbed for the most extreme levels of free speech. Though viewed upon as a double edged sword, being anonymous allows writers to open their minds without having to worry about being censored. I guess I can also go with my pseudonym Chinesepowah ( background story, I created this name in high school mainly as a way to piss off my cantonese friend because I like to justify my social integrity as a mandarin speaker. Though it started off as a joke, the name kind of stuck. I feel that I am chinese and I have power but I have to say it in a chinese accent otherwise it would lose its funniness). I am currently unemployed and hope to find a job soon. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone especially after me saying that I also recently graduated college. With the state of our economy as it is now, recent college graduates are slowly joining the job hunt like hunter gatherers in death valley (especially since California alone is about 12% unemployment as of 2009). I recently had a job but I had to quit because of my health. It forced me to work from 5am to 1pm. Now I would have no problem working this shift, if I saw my future as bleak as Russia itself but I actually want to enjoy my freedom of no school so for my sanity, I had to find a different job. Aside from work, I live and breath the snow, and since I breath snow that would make me a cold person which is why I can cope with even the coldest winters, game recognize game right? I hear Russia has pretty cold winters, seeing as though its filled with abandoned missile silos I hear those winters are pretty... nuclear? Russia is a pretty cold place, I mean they brag about their cold winters and apparently even their wars are cold. Any case, bring it on Russia. On a side note, some of you might be wondering why I like to rip on Russia a lot. Well I will answer your question with another question, who wouldn't want to rip on Russia? But seriously, I have a russian girlfriend, and since she gives me crap about being Chinese, I think I should return the favor. I can use this opportunity to brainstorm Russian jokes and see if their passable... although she could be reading this now so she would know what is coming... well if anything we can just mass up a bunch of jokes and point them at each other and never use them.... hmmm sounds like the beginning of a very cold war....
Anyway, I think thats about enough introducing for one day. See you all next week!

- Chinesepowah