Friday, May 8, 2009


Where am I, how did I get here. One moment I was surrounded by a sea of pleasure, happiness, acceptance, but now it is gone. GONE!!! It's funny, this whole boredom thing, you have activity in your life and suddenly you are without it. For example..... me. Why am I here, why am I writing this. I should be having a productive life. I should be progressing in my future, but I am writing. These are a collection of my freewrites and from there lies the answer. To some people, escaping boredom is easy. Escaping boredom is not only easy but a hobby in itself. The internet, since its creation, helped many utilize their own curiosities to leave the four cornered room that confines them. Yes, that four cornered room that we all fear, yet welcome. We all have the ability to avoid this room, this room with white walls and nothing..... NOTHING! There is no decoration at all, no poster on the wall, scribbles on the desk, or even a desk. This room does no justice in brain stimulation and that is what boredom is. We are all trapped in our own four cornered room; there is nothing here, there is no smell, no sight, no sound, no taste, no touch; all five senses are neutrualized. The true realization of boredom is, that, our brain does not have the opportunity to become curious and thus become... braindead. But like many people, in this four cornered room, we discover doors. Doors hidden within the white contours of the room, doors that are creaked open, and if we investigate closer, detect the the faint indications of the senses, we see a book cracked open, notes spread out along all sides of the table. We peer into the crevace of the door and see that the environment is situated in a calm serene plateu, we hear nothing yet we feel a yearning to learn, to learn materials. We finally step out of this room and enter into this other arena.... the arena of preperation for and we finally learn that Peter has a midterm to study for and must get back to work.

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