Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Motivation, the relation that sets the world in motion

Motivation, that is the theme for today. Because what we find out now is that so many people in this world find it hard to be motivated. What people don't realize is that you can't try and get motivated. I mean you can but it is temporary. You know those motivational speakers? People go to those events feeling like they can move mountains but in reality, these events only peter out and everyone falls back into their usual routine. In reality, motivation is easy because motivation is what drives you to finish daily tasks.
The key to this is to step back and think in the bigger picture. What do you feel your calling is, what do you feel you want to do for the rest of your life. I struggle with motivation, When I was applying for jobs after college, I wasn't getting any callbacks for any of them. What motivated me was the show Entourage. The agent of the main character, Ari, lives in a world that he created. Although Entourage is just a TV show, it gives a good window into a career working with human capital. This may sound cheesy but that is what motivates me.
I want to be able to impact people's lives and help the American economy recover. although its baby steps I feel like I can still make a difference.
Anyway, that is my bit about motivation. Ironically, I am unemployed so I don't know who is going to take advice from me but in either case I hope I can impact someone.

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